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Keep It Simple

Don’t hit everything with a big hammer. We believe the engineer’s role is to design a safe stable structure in the most straight-forward constructable manner, using the least material. Anyone can design big and complicated. We design strength, simply and economically. The result is less impact on the environment and your pocketbook.


100% Effort

Approach every project with energy. Experience has shown us every project contributes to our reputation and we make no exceptions, always striving for excellence. Whether a multi-story medical office or a small residential addition, we care about results.


Is there ever enough?

We bring capable engineering design and meld it with an appreciation of your most valuable resource, your time. It is not unusual to find our engineers working overtime to meet our commitments. Our motto “Quality on Schedule” reflects our long standing dedication to meeting client’s scheduling needs. After all … time is money.


The spice of life

Variety is the spice of life. We approach engineering with the same gusto. Involvement in a multitude of project types has developed our understanding for the possibilities engineering creates. For example, designing the details of architectural components creates a knowledge of general building systems other structural engineers only observe second hand. Check out our project portfolio to see some of what can be done.

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    Call Us

    Ryan Alder, P.E., S.E.





    10 South 300 East, American Fork, UT 84003